Generate Presentations with ChatGPT: Effortless PowerPoint Slide Patterns

Shalabh Bhatnagar
6 min readNov 29, 2023
Photo by Jonathan Kemper on Unsplash

Most of us have made PowerPoint presentations at some point, and may have secretly found that it is may be easier to learn rocket science than to write text for a presentation that is short, sweet, and powerful. When deadlines loom large and stakeholders need updates, we have found ourselves under duress to complete the proverbial ‘deck’.

With OpenAI catapulting the AI market, redefining the way people compute, search, work and learn; the time is ripe to write some pieces so you can be productive and do weeks of work in a matter of minutes.

For those new to GenAI or LLMs, you do not need to know the inner workings, but in case you do, here is a definition. A Large Language Model, or LLM, is a fancy way of describing a computer program that’s really good at understanding and generating human-like language. It’s like a super-smart robot that learns from tons of text to chat, answer questions, write stories, and even help with tasks by understanding and using language just like we do.

ChatGPT hides all such complexities, and gives you a human language interface. All you do need is prowess in the language you write (not the programming language ones but say English). I have written these prompt patterns so you can use them instantly for your PowerPoint work.

Just paste the prompts in the ChatGPT console and let ChatGPT wave the magic wand. (For purists: these are specialized prompts for task of creating text drafts of your presentation. You can modify the prompts using with you own language skill, that I am sure are better than mine. ChatGPT never penalizes you for spelling or grammatical errors.

What is ChatGPT?

ChatGPT is an artificial intelligence model developed by OpenAI, built on the GPT (Generative Pre-trained Transformer) architecture. It’s designed to understand and generate human-like text based on the input it receives. ChatGPT processes information, learns patterns from vast amounts of text data, and generates responses that aim to be contextually relevant and helpful.

It’s capable of understanding diverse topics, engaging in conversations, answering questions, providing explanations, and offering assistance across a wide range of subjects. ChatGPT’s abilities include language comprehension, text generation, and context retention, allowing it to simulate natural conversations and assist users in various tasks or inquiries.

I use GPT and ChatGPT interchangeable in this piece. Voila! You’re In!: With successful login, ChatGPT on your Android phone is ready to spark some delightful conversations or assist you with its awesome abilities!

What is a Prompt?

A prompt, in the context of artificial intelligence or machine learning, is a piece of text or an instruction that serves as an input or a starting point for an AI model to generate a response. It’s the information provided to an AI system to prompt it to perform a particular task, generate text, answer questions, or complete a given scenario.

For instance, when interacting with a language model like ChatGPT, a user might input a prompt such as “Tell me about artificial intelligence” or “What is the capital of France?” Based on this input, the AI model processes the prompt and generates a response that attempts to answer or fulfill the user’s request.

Remember there are no wrong or right prompts. The reply you get from GPT can be completed different from what I get, so there is no point in reproducing any of the screenshots or answers here.

Purpose of the Prompts

Generate text for PowerPoint presentation text, using prompts in ChatGPT 3.5

Prompts Flow

The Prompts

Without further pitch and patter, here are the prompts. Paste them one after the other in the ChatGPT console to see the magic!

1. Purpose: Setup ChatGPT

Prompt for GPT console:

You know how to do research and presentation so please generate text for PowerPoint presentations, in US-English. Use simple business language and detail well, but in one slide each. The target audience are people working for the company as full time employees. Mention that a separate presentation will come in the future for part-time and temporary professionals. Note: you must not generate a reply or text as a reply just yet.

2. Purpose: Setup slide structure

Prompt for GPT console:

You know how to do research and presentation so please generate text for PowerPoint presentations, in US-English. Use simple business language and detail well, but in one slide each. The target audience are people working for the company as full time employees. Mention that a separate presentation will come in the future for part-time and temporary professionals. Note: you must not generate a reply or text as a reply just yet.

3. Purpose: Setup slide topics

Prompt for GPT console:

Now use the following requirements and write the text drafts for PowerPoint slides. Use bulleted points in you text. Generate slide text for the topic "Conducting a Performance Appraisal". Title the slide as "What", "Why", "Where", "When (The Timeline)", "For Whom" and "How (The Process)". Each slide must answer these questions in quotes and include the text for the slides correspondingly. For example, the "What" slide must define and elaborate appraisal as a concept and as a process with a positive, progressive and beneficial feel. So on and so forth. 
Add a Cover Page slide, a Table of Contents slide (list all the headings, sub-headings here), and a Thank You slide (as the last one). Interpreting your text, suggest what an abstract image for the cover slide. The image must be respectful of human values, diversity, cultures, gender, and be inclusive.

4. Purpose: Write the slides

Prompt for GPT console:

Generate the text for all the slides now.

For the First Timers

Here’s the zestful rundown for logging into ChatGPT on both your web browser and Android phone!

Web Browser:

  1. Launch Your Browser: Open your preferred web browser — Chrome, Firefox, Safari, or any other groovy choice.
  2. Visit the Website: Type in “ChatGPT” in the search bar or directly visit the website URL where ChatGPT is accessible.
  3. Login Screen: Look for the “Login” or “Sign In” option, usually at the top right corner. Click on it!
  4. Enter Credentials: Input your registered username or email and the snazzy password you chose when signing up.
  5. Authentication: If there’s a verification step, complete it. This could involve a code sent to your email or phone.
  6. Access Granted!: Once authenticated, you’re in! ChatGPT is at your service to chat, create, or explore its amazing features.

Android Phone:

  1. App Store: Launch the Play Store on your Android device — that’s your gateway to a world of apps!
  2. Search for ChatGPT: In the search bar, type “ChatGPT” and hit enter. The app should pop up in the search results.
  3. Install the App: Tap on the “Install” button next to ChatGPT to start the download and installation process.
  4. Open the App: Once installed, locate the ChatGPT app icon on your home screen or in the app drawer and tap it.
  5. Login Screen: You’ll be greeted with a cool login screen. Tap on “Login” or “Sign In”.
  6. Enter Credentials: Input your registered username or email and the password you set during signup.
  7. Verification: If needed, complete any verification process that might be required for security.

Disclaimer: All copyrights and trademarks belong to their respective companies and owners. This article for information purpose.

